Sally came to me as a nervous, scared woman. Sally’s romantic relationship was in shambles. Sally felt used financially in this relationship, and justifiably so. Although Sally is a pretty woman, her body showed signs of neglect, including about 35 pounds of excess weight. Sally was overworked at her job, and her compensation did not match her hours.

With Life Success Coaching, Sally began to learn that her thoughts create her life. She learned that there were messages from childhood that were hampering her current day fulfillment. She learned how to change those childhood messages to ones that supported her in living an empowered, happy life. I coached her to see that the angst she was experiencing was not HERS. The angst was coming from a conflict between her True Self and the Programmed Childhood Self.

Over the next few months, Sally began to see herself through new eyes. She said goodbye to the unappreciative boyfriend. She joined a gym and works out regularly. Sally took a yoga class and practices faithfully. Sally can now look in the mirror and say “I love you” and mean it. As a result of her new found Self love and Self awareness, the chatter in her head that was draining her energy have now become silent. Sally asserted herself at work and renegotiated a new salary and structure of hours.

With the help of Life Success Coaching, Sally has accomplished all of this in just 16 months!

Go Sally!!

Why should anyone struggle when every challenge has a solution?