This morning I found myself having thoughts that, if manifested, would not take me where I want to be. I know that thoughts create. What was I thinking? How did I allow myself to start to wash down a river of fear and negativity? How did I move out of gratitude? I know better than that? I had allowed myself to mentally and emotionally link up with the current group agreement (in the world) of fear and lack.

How easily we can shift from what we need to be thinking to create our world the way we want it to be, to thoughts that are going around in the world.

I once heard a story about a group of psychics that assembled in order to find a missing child. Throughout the night, the predictions grew more and more horrifying. The worse the stories became, the worse the stories became. The psychics had moved into group agreement and had lost their center. They had lost sight of their own knowing.
The child was found the next day, safe and sound. I heard this story many decades ago, and it made quite an impression on me about the value of staying with my own knowing, regardless of what is going on around me.

More than at any time that I can recall in my life, the world is being challenged economically. If we move into group agreement, and begin to focus on the challenge rather than the solution, we will sink into the negative darkness. What good can come from that?

I wonder what would happen if everyone on this Earth began to affirm prosperity, and enough for all.

I think it takes 100% conviction and commitment to stay with what I know. I can tell countless stories about other times in my life when the seemingly impossible occurred. When we stay open to it, that open door allows the good to enter.

When we stay determined to rise above what is going on around us, we will shine. That seems to me to be a great place to be.

Simple solution: Decide what I want, make a 100% commitment to be there, hold true to my intention no matter what, and reap the rewards. Tune out the thoughts and words of others around you. Hold true to your vision.